My superpower is kindness. What's yours?
Welcome to my world :)

Ahhh... I think everyone should have a little Waldo in their lives. Mr. Emerson has been a source of inspiration and exploration in my life.
Whenever I'm at a crossroads or a challenge, I'll often ask myself, "What would Waldo say?"
He helps me return to my heart, my values, my dreams... and tap into the energy within me to build, adventure, and share-- with enthusiasm.
I made this space to share my creations, curiosities, and connection with the world.
Gaining new perspectives is everything to me and I'd love to connect with YOU!

What matters to me?
Kindness. Inclusion.
Once upon a time, I was a pre-professional ballerina - tutus, pointe shoes, slick hair buns-- the works! I left the world of ballet in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic after 18 months of virtual learning and a whole lot of time in solitude and reflection, I came to realize that I had many fears that were holding me back from having exceptional life experiences.
Not being good enough.
Not feeling accepted by others.
Not feeling seen.
These fears kept me from fully expressing myself- until I realized (with the help of a barbell) that no one could really save me but myself.
I believe magic happens when these barriers are removed from all of our minds. It's my deepest hope to live in a world where *every* person knows, with certainty - that they matter, they are seen, and they are valued. Just imagine what could be achieved in this world without these obstacles and everyone went unabashedly after their dreams.

My strength
...is amplified with community.

As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. ~Proverbs 27:17
In weightlifting and in life, you are striving all the time to improve yourself. But to make yourself better, you can't do it alone. Being strong means trying to help yourself even it that means reaching out to ask for help. It means acknowledging you are not and will never be perfect. It means choosing yourself even when people don't choose you and surrounding yourself with the right people.
What I love about the world of weightlifting is that there's room for everyone. The community is so welcoming. Yes, you're competing, but you're really competing against yourself. You're trying to do your personal best and your success doesn't take away from anyone else. You also don't need to look a certain way to be good at it- everyone can get involved!
Weightlifting has taught me that we make ourselves and each other stronger-- together. When we help others win, we all win.